Just about a month after receiving a determination of non-significance or “negative declaration” during the SEQR (State Environmental Quality Review) process, the Dover Greens project has now been given the go-ahead to proceed with its with its Phase I construction plan.
Specifically, an application to receive conditional approval for site plan, special permit, erosion and sediment control permit and architectural review board approval for Phase 1 of the Dover Greens Project is what was being deliberated by the Town of Dover Planning Board.
That consent was given during tonight’s planning board meeting with all members voicing their support.
In granting conditional approval, Town of Dover officials are indicating they have confidence the Dover Green project is in line with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan to restore Dover’s historic buildings, promote economic opportunities and not have an adverse environmental impact on the Dover community; issues Dover Greens officials highly value and fully support.
The construction phase of the Dover Greens project will involve securing construction drawings that highlight infrastructure improvements and center around getting classroom space, dormitories, faculty housing, recreational fields and a cafeteria eating facility in place to accommodate the initial needs of students and staff arriving on campus.
Dover Greens officials also say the Phase 1 Site Plan approval came at the perfect time because in coincides with the beginning of September classes for grades K-12 at Olivet Academy.
As Phase I of the project proceeds, the Dover Greens staff and team of professional consultants plan to be in constant communication with Town and Planning Board officials.