2014_0204-Sen.-Gipson-1 Dover Greens was pleased to host a monthly meeting for the Harlem Valley Chamber of Commerce this week and provide an update on the Dover Greens Project to chamber members.

2014_0204-Kathy-1NYS Senator Terry Gipson made a special appearance at the event. He discussed with chamber members how important a project like the Dover Greens  was for local businesses and said he came to learn more about it. He also spoke with local business owners one-on-one and learned about their products and services.

During the event, Dover Greens CEO Kathleen Schibanoff, who has been involved with the property for years, gave chamber members the background of the site and an overview of development plans moving forward. She said she was glad the development of the site into educational facilities would return the buildings to their best and highest use.

Participants were able to see photos of work done on the Dover Greens Project over the past several months.

A master plan of the site is underway and more updates would be announced as they become available, said Schibanoff.

Many Harlem Valley Chamber members, including those from the Town of Dover, welcomed Dover Greens to the area and said they were excited for what the project could mean for economic revitalization of the region.

The meeting was co-sponsored by Dover Greens, Cousin’s Café and Freshtown.