
Master Plan

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Project Maps (Appendix A)

  1. • Existing Conditions
  2. • Phasing Plan
  3. • Phase 1 Plan
  4. • Campus Land Use at Full Build-out
  5. • Parking Management Plan
  6. • Phase 1 Construction Steps


Biological Assessment Report (Appendix B)

  1. • Letter from Evan Associates Environmental Consulting
  2. • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


Traffic Capacity and Trip Generation Reports (Appendix C)

  1. • Trip Generations
  2. • Existing AM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  3. • Existing AM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd
  4. • Existing PM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  5. • Existing PM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd
  6. • Phase 1 No-Build AM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  7. • Phase 1 No-Build AM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd
  8. • Phase 1 No-Build PM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  9. • Phase 1 No-Build PM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd
  10. • Phase 1 Build AM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  11. • Phase 1 Build AM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd
  12. • Phase 1 Build PM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  13. • Phase 1 Build PM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd
  14. • Full Buildout No-Build AM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  15. • Full Buildout No-Build AM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd
  16. • Full Buildout No-Build PM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  17. • Full Buildout No-Build PM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd
  18. • Full Buildout Build w/o Improve AM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  19. • Full Buildout Build w/o Improve AM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd
  20. • Full Buildout Build w/o Improve PM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  21. • Full Buildout Build w/o Improve PM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd
  22. • Full Buildout Build w/ Improve AM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  23. • Full Buildout Build w/ Improve AM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd
  24. • Full Buildout Build w/ Improve PM. 1: Route 55 & Wheeler Road/Wheeler Rd
  25. • Full Buildout Build w/ Improve PM. 2: Route 22 & Pleasant Ridge Rd


Water and Wastewater Design Flow Calculations (Appendix D)

  1. • Full Build
  2. • Phase 1


Historical Preservation (Appendix E)

  1. • Letter from Historical Perspectives


Phase 1 Environmental Assessment (Appendix F)

  1. • Executive Summary
  2. • Full Report


Landscape Master Plan (Appendix G)

  1. • Landscape Master Plan
  2. • Existing Vehicular Circulation and Parking
  3. • Existing Pedestrian Circulation
  4. • Existing Tree Canopy
  5. • Existing Wetlands and Buffers
  6. • Existing Slope Analysis
  7. • Existing Building Figure Ground
  8. • Roads and Parking Framework
  9. • Potential Building Site
  10. • Pedestrian Pathing Framework
  11. • Typical Walking Path
  12. • Landscape Framework
  13. • Landscape Zones


Parking Management Plan (Appendix H)

  1. • Parking Management Plan


Typical Signage and Main Campus Entrance Gate Details (Appendix I)

  1. • Typical Signage and Main Campus Entrance Gate Details


Typical Building Elevations for Phase 1 (Appendix J)

  1. • Typical Building Elevations for Phase 1


Water and Sewer Systems

  1. • Water Distribution and Sewage Collection Systems Maps
  2. • Conceptual Wastewater Facility Plan
  3. • Conceptual Wastewater Facility Plan – NY DEC Approval


Utility Service and Distribution Plan Phase 1

  1. • Phasing Plan
  2. • Legend & Notes
  3. • Electrical Supply – Site Plan (Full Build)
  4. • Fiber Optic Data – Site Plan (Full Build)
  5. • Natural Gas Supply – Site Plan (Full Build)
  6. • Phase 1 Utilities Supply Plan
  7. • Phase 1 Partial Site Plan
  8. • Phase 1 Switching Layout and Schedules
  9. • Site Utility Details


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

  1. • Introduction and Instruction to Owner/Operator
  2. • Notice of Intent (NOI) Form
  3. • Contractor Certifications and Designation Letters
  4. • Project Figures
  5. • Project Description
  6. • Required Erosion and Sediment Control
  7. • Additional Erosion and Sediment Controls
  8. • Water Quality and Water Quantity Controls
  9. • Maintenance, Inspections and Project Documentation
  10. • Spill Prevention Plan and Response Procedures
  11. • Notice of Termination Form
  12. • SPDES Permit & Fact Sheet
  13. • Attachments


SEQR and Site Plan

  1. • Environmental Assessment
  2. • SEQR Negative Declaration, Determination of Significance
  3. • Resolution to Adopt a Determination of Non-Significance
  4. • Site Plans – Phase 1
  5. • Resolution to Grant Conditional Site Plan, Special Permit, Erosion and Sediment Control Permit and Architectural Board Approval


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