
(from l to r) Dover Greens’ Philip Bae, Kathy Schibanoff and Tony Chiu with NYS Senator, Sue Serino ( third from r) before taking a tour of the Dover Greens Project property.


Dutchess County Executive, Marc Molinaro (center) and Dutchess County Commissioner of Planning & Development, Eoin Wrafter (2nd from Right) discuss the DGP site plan property with members of the Dover Greens team.

This past July Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro traveled to the Town of Dover campus for his second visit since Dover Greens purchased the former state facility in 2013 to get updated about the status of the Dover Greens Project (DGP) and to discuss ways Dutchess County might help the project become a reality.

On this visit, the county’s Commissioner of Planning and Development, Eoin Wrafter accompanied Mr Molinaro. “I was impressed with the way Dover Greens has taken the necessary steps to construct a clear and concise picture of each phase of the plan before presenting to town officials, said Wrafter. “It was also welcome news to learn those plans include the restoration and maintenance of most of the existing buildings because that is in line with where the county would like to see this project go.”

During the 90 minute visit, County Executive Molinaro reiterated his support for the project and his pleasure with the progress that has been made since his last visit.

Meanwhile, in September of this year, for the first time since being elected to the Senate, NYS Senator Sue Serino met with members of Dover Greens and walked the grounds of the DGP site. The Senator, who represents New York’s 41st District which includes the Town of Dover, said she was impressed with Dover Greens ‘s vision for the property. “I appreciate having had the opportunity to meet with the Dover Greens team and take a tour of the Dover Greens Project,” said Senator Sue Serino. “I’m always interested in learning about projects that may stimulate the local economy and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for the project.”

Both County Executive Molinaro and State Senator Serino indicated they were pleased to hear Dover Greens and Town of Dover officials have been communicating on a regular basis about the Dover Greens Project.

Fulfilling the plans for the DGP requires review and approvals from the town, county and state with the Dover Planning Board taking the lead over the summer. Dover Greens informally presented their plans to the Board and formally submitted their application for the Phase I Site Plan and Master Plan in September.

Dover Greens conducted two site walks of the property as a first step in the Planning Board’s review of the application, one on Saturday, October 10 and the second on Friday, October 16. Site walks are important for the review process, allowing board members and their consultants to see the property that is laid out in the site plans. The walks were scheduled on two separate days in order to accommodate everyone’s schedule.

Along with Dover Greens’ Kathy Schibanoff and Philip Bae, other key members of the Dover Greens team took part in the site walks including Engineer Rich Rennia, Planner Michael Junghans and Attorney Daniel Richmond.

Each group walked and drove around to the various areas of the property so that Dover Greens could point out the buildings and grounds listed on the Phase 1 Site Plan and the overall Master Plan.

The Town of Dover officials were grateful for the opportunity to see the property. Said Schibanoff, “Site walks set a positive tone for the review process and bring life to the plans on paper.”

The review process for the DGP is expected to take several months.