Dover Greens officials met with New York State Assemblyman, Kieran Lalor to build support and discuss the progress of the Dover Greens project.
The hour-long meeting at the Assemblyman’s district office focused on areas of common interest such as getting a SEQR determination and Phase I Site Plan approval completed as timely as possible, building efforts for future university staff and students to be part of the greater Town of Dover community and the issues related to taxation.
As ranking member of the Assembly’s Real Property Tax Committee, Kieran has fought against yearly efforts in Albany to levy taxes on the lands owned by religious organizations and educational institutions throughout New York State.
Dover Greens officials thanked the Assemblyman for the efforts and reiterated the project’s commitment to the economic well-being of the Dover community by providing jobs and by attracting businesses to the area that will help Dover to grow.
“Our meeting with Assemblyman Lalor was extremely beneficial, said Dover Greens official. “He was genuinely interested in seeing the project succeed and our open discussion established trust and collaborative relationship to see the Dover Greens Project come to fruition.”
Assemblyman Lalor ended the meeting by saying that he is excited about seeing future students on the campus in the coming months.